Level 8, 220 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Australia +61 8 9346 5500 info@jupitermines.com


Our ESG Approach

We believe that investments in Sustainability are not just ethical choices, but strategic decisions that strengthen our business model, enhance our market position, and ensure the long-term resilience of our company.

Our plan to drive our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance forward centres on transparency and accountability, focusing on sustainable value creation while prioritising the welfare of our stakeholders and the environment. Our commitment to ESG not only enhances our business operations but also ensures long-term benefits for all our stakeholders.

In 2023, Jupiter released its inaugural Sustainability Report, providing a comprehensive overview of ESG performance at the Tshipi manganese mine in South Africa's Kalahari region. Although this is our first report, a consistent focus on ESG performance has characterised Jupiter Mines' activities, business relationships, and operations since inception.

Our ESG vision is to be the global leader in sustainably empowered manganese mining, setting the standard for responsible mining and contributing positively to the communities and environments in which we operate. 

Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of our operational philosophy, driving us to continually improve our environmental, social, and governance outcomes.

Explore our ESG strategy through the following sections:

View our ESG Framework here.

View our 2023 Sustainability Report here.

Call us on +61 8 9346 5500 or send us a message